If you are facing NSInternalInconsistencyException in IOS development. Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInternalInconsistencyException’, reason: ‘-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the “…” nib but the view outlet was not set. Follow the solution for
Author Archives: atif
ios – can’t drag and drop item by ctrl+drag xcode
If you are unable to drag & drop item like button reference as outlet into your related class then check the solution for this problem in following lines.
NSUnknownKeyException IPhone
Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSUnknownKeyException‘, reason: ‘[ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key your_property_name.
C# read text file | Best way to read file c sharp
How to read text file in c#: In c sharp it is very easy to read a complete text file
aspx master page or inner page image problem
We mostly face a content path problem if we maintain your inner pages, master pages and may be images in different directores (folders). Due to this problem we are unable to see images on web browser.
C# Multithreading Example Tutorial
For better performance we can use multithreading in our programm. We use thread for heavy processes like load data from database or during use of Internet, otherwise you will feel hanged your User Interface.
Check Internet Connection c#
This example will describe how to check Internet connection in asp.net using c sharp language. During code we mostly check if user is connected with remote server or not.
Android AsyncTask Example | Simplest code
AsyncTask is a background process that easily handle UI without handler.You must know that why we use background process. We need background process / multi threading for long processes like communicate with Internet or database. If you handle Multi Threading smartly then your mobile application should perform better.
Android Thread Example : Simplest code
This article will describe Android thread example:- Multi threading, Processes and Threads in Android application development: In Android every programm (application) have a main thread. We can’t do long processing in main thread. Long processes like communicate with Internet, parse long data or communicate with database etc.
This exception occurs when you write network code on main thread (UI thread). It will throw following exception android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException Solution:-